GLACIATION Glaciation refers to the process whereby a certain area on the earth’s surface is affected by glaciers (moving ice). Glaciation also refers to the process that takes place due to the influence of moving ice. Glacial erosion Glacial erosion, which predominates in the highlands, consists of the following mechanism or processes: Sapping: This refers to the breaking up of rocks by alternate freezing and thawing of water at the bottom of cracks between a mass of ice and the side and floor of a valley, or the side of a mountain. Plucking: This is the tearing away of the blocks of rock which have been frozen into the sides or bottom of a glacier. Abrasion: This is the wearing away of rocks beneath a glacier by the scouring (scrapping) action of the rocks embedded in the glacier. Feature produced by glacial erosion i. Cirque (corrie) : A semi-circular, steep-sided basin cut into the side of a mountain, or at the head of a val...